The Secret To Build Deep Connections with People

It’s just a matter of courage to ask

Prince Verma
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2022


Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

We all cherish our relationships and friendships. That’s probably our biggest source of happiness.

The quantity of our circle matters, no doubt but quality plays an even bigger role. We feel so satisfied and happy when we build deep connections with people. We feel peace and happiness when we are around them.

You need those deep connections when your struggling in life. You need support of people whom you trust and whom you can rely.

So, the question is — how do we build deep connections?

The answer is pretty obvious:

Start having 1:1 conversations with people

That’s it. It’s that simple. Once you start spending alone time with someone, you start developing an unbreakable bond. You start feeling so comfortable around them that you feel happiest when you talk to them.

I feel so lucky in life that I have 4–5 such people in my life. I feel so content and happy after talking to them.

You can talk about your problems, your secrets, and be vulnerable only when you are having 1:1 conversations. It’s so hard to talk about these things in a group.

